Cities are stressful, mountains are cold

12 mei 2018 - Batemans Bay, Australië

So the plan; few more days in Melbourne meeting friends, then the last weekend in the shared house in Monbulk and off to the north. Sounds like fun! Well driving into Melbourne on the bike was, ehm, an experience. I immediately realised why I wanted to leave it so badly when I finally had the bike; Traffic jams, stoplights, chaos and worst of all; stressed out drivers! It was really tiring and I was happy when I could finally park the bike, lock it, leave it for a day and get a beer.

This was the last night with Josh, a carribean guy who I lived with in the hostel. So we made a good night out of it and I will remember the month I shared with him with joy! Bad thing was though that maybe we had a bit to much beer, so the next morning was a bit of a difficult startup. That day I wanted to visit a friend in Broadmeadows, not even 20 km's away and after I would buy some saddle bags for the bike another 10 km north.

Well I left around 3, which was a big mistake! It took me 2 hours to get there, for not even 20 km's! It was the most horribly ride on my bike so far just because of all the traffic and stressed out drivers switching lanes constantly trying to get home a few minutes earlier. pff... The important thing is; I survived! Eventough my phone died when I was almost there and had to ask a stranger for directions, because ofcourse once one thing goes wrong, everything does!

So after the visiting the friend I went to pick up the saddle bags. I was told there would be bad weather coming and the strong winds where telling me it would come soon! I managed to get back in time though against all odds (apparantly the ride could go pretty quick...) Met up with another friend that night and another one the next day, but honestly it was such a stressful few days I realised I was done with the big cities!

Being back in the mountains in Monbulk felt like a big relief! I could finally take the rest I did not get in Melbourne. A few people already left in the few days that I was gone though, so I was little bit sad. I had a bit of a dip where I would be sad of people leaving, the end of a fun time and also really missing home. It was the long awaited moment of homesickness where I wanted to be with all the people I left behind. Yes you reading this; I missed you dearly in this moment. The few tears where for you, all of you that I keep dear, have fun with, find comfort with and have shared laughs with.

But oh well, sobbing gets you nowhere. So I managed to get over it (also thanks to my parents who sent me really nice messages in this moment) and time to look forward. I had a good last weekend in Monbulk in the end.

So time to set sail and make some km's north! I pretty quickly already got my first problem though; during my first break I saw a big (+-6mm diameter) rock in my back tyre. Like really deep in there. The tyre shop in town only did car shops and directed me to a shop for bikes, about 30 km's the other way I was going. It was quiet an instense ride, but I made it.

So $50 and half an hour later I could get back on the road again with a plugged tyre. Once I hit Euroa to take gas I was pretty tired though and it was barely and hour till sundown. After checking my map I saw there was no free campsite nearby, so I asked a guy at the pump for advise.

After advising me a spot I could try I was on my way. When I just wanted to drive off he stopped me: "If you really run into trouble or don't like the spot; I live just over there, you can put up your tent my front garden." I still went to check the spot, but it took less than 10 minutes for the cops to drive by suspiciously slow.

So I went to his house. He told me to park the bike in the front garden and pointed a spot to put up the tent. He went back in just to come out 10 seconds later; "you know what, we have free bed, you can sleep there if you'd like. Just put the bike in the garage, it will be dry there." Well talking about an offer you can't refuse. I ended up having a really nice evening with Garry and Debby, talking, eating and watching tv.

I think it was the best sleep I had all the time I spent in Australia so far. After a nice breakfast and some coffee it was time to go. Okay, after 10 km's I realised my phone was still on the charger, but after driving back and giving thanks and goodbyes again I was really ready to continue... :P

It was a good day of driving, and I ended up in Corryong in the alps. I went to a free campsite and boy was that cold! The frost on my saddle and the dense fog was enough proof of that. Once the street was warmed up and my stuff packed I started driving through the alps and by Mount Kosciuszko. Simply amazing! Awesome sights, lots of bends and windy roads and barely any other people. The temperature was between 7 and 12 degrees though, but with the right clothing and mindset that was just a minor detail.

I wanted to go to Camberra, but the cheapest night I could find was $71. No way hose! I ended up (through CountryPubCamping, thanks for the tip Debby) in a pub and campsite in Captain's flat. I had a very interesting, drunk and crazy night with 2 typical country boys. They offered me to show around the area the upcoming days, and since there was a storm brewing, it seemed like a good way to hide for the weather. The next day I came by his house though, and after sitting inside talking to his son all of the sudden his son got called to his room and then told me I needed to leave. I asked why, "that doesn't matter". I got a weird vbibe from it, not from the son, he was still nice, but from the whole situation, so I got out of there quick.

Rain, wind cold, brr... It wasn't a fun ride, I did barely 50 km's that day and since the weather should be dry that evening and the next morning I decided on a free campsite again. It was a very beautiful spot, but another very cold night though...

The next day I drove to Batemans Bay, finally leaving the alps. First time in a few days that I felt a temperature above 13 degrees. Nice! The expectation for that night and the next day was storms though, so I booked a hostel for  nights where I still am now. It's a quiet town, not much to do. Tomorrow I'll start riding again; I'm already looking forward for what is in store for me this time ;)

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3 Reacties

  1. Irene Moerman:
    12 mei 2018
    Nice vieuws Tobias!
  2. Mam:
    12 mei 2018
    Hoi Toob,

    Weer een leuk verhaal van onze reiziger. Zien we op de laatste foto rechts onder de "keuken?" Groet, en goede reis verder.
  3. Koen:
    1 juni 2018
    Gaaf om weer wat te lezen over het Australie avontuur!! Kun je signal installeren op je telefoon. Dan kunnen we een keer bellen! Gr Koen