Almost ready for take-off

2 maart 2018 - Melbourne, Australië

So I have managed to find my peace that the money stuff didn't go as expected. And all of the sudden it went a lot faster. Ofcourse it did. Though once I had the codes I hit another small snag transferring it but I've got my savings in AUD now for almost 2 days now. "So you got your bike?"; almost.

A wonderful man I befriended here in the hostel was in the same situation as I was; waiting for his money to get a bike. He was expecting it at the same time as I did, so we decided to go get the bikes together since that would increase our haggling power. After getting our bikes we want to do the Great Ocean Road together. I've recently got my money (after almost 4 weeks) and he still didn't, but is expecting it any day now. I decided to wait till tomorrow (saturday) and if he didn't get it in by then I'll get my bike. So tomorrow is going to be my big day: I can't wait! :D

The bike I had my eye on is still there. Good news, because I can probably get a better deal now because I know it has been standing there for atleast 3 weeks now. They don't want to keep it forever!

But enough future talk; What have I been up to the last 2 weeks? Well nothing special really; Going to the market for cheap vegetables and cooking it became one of my hobbies. I've played quite some pool in the bar at my hostel.

I went skating a lot. Mostly rolling around the city and exploring, but sometimes hitting a nice skate spot and practicing my tricks. I broke my 2nd hand deck in about 2 days, haha, so I had to buy a new one. Oh well still a cheap skateboard and I'm going to enjoy it this year for sure!

I spent a few days in another hostel in a suburb, St kilda. It was about the same price and just as clean (so not really :P ) as my "standard" hostel. The location was a lot more shit though; the nearest supermarket was 30 minutes walk and for pretty much everything I needed to take a tram. Still I went there to get some peace from the city center, which I didn't get honestly...

After 2 nights (of which one was on the couch outside since it was overbooked) I went back to the CBD (Central Business Center) and my standard hostel was full... Oh well I went to one down the street for one night. It looked cleaner, but the death metal music in the connected bar downstairs that played till 6 am kinda ruined it. And you know me; I'm not one to complain about noise, but this was REALLY LOUD!

So next day moved back to the hostel. Good to be "home". Yes, even tough it's not that clean I still really feel at home here. People are genuinely interested, we got a standard few people and after exploring the city and coming back I get the question: "Hey mate, how was your day?" I can't wait to start driving my bike and explore the rest of Australia, but I'm sure I'll think back of this place with a smile.

So what's the plan now? Well easy; Motorcycle, bags for the motorcycle. Great Ocean Road (with or without my mate), and then a job! I got offered a farm job picking grapes for and hourly rate of $21 AUD (about 13,25 euro) near the border of the states Victoria & South Australia. I also got a festival planned in that area, so I'm really looking forward to the next week!

Time for new experiences; My first bike, my first farm job, my first australian festival and a lot more freedom and new environments! Keep 'em coming; time to get travel bipolar again!

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1 Reactie

  1. Chantal:
    5 maart 2018
    Woehoeee hij heeft zn bike!! Op naar nieuwe avonturen! Geniet met volle teugen maatje! X tokochick